Wisdom Rising Mystery School | Cycle One + Coaching

VIDEO from Cat:


Wisdom Rising Mystery School is a co-created space, intended for working with elemental alchemy, mystery traditions, creative depth, ceremony, embodiment, art as ritual and initiation. 

Wisdom Rising Mystery School is a sacred space dedicated to the numinous, where you are invited to seek your own sources of mystery, explore creative alchemy, deepen the path of divine discovery, activate archetypal alignment and experience the power of higher self expression.

Wisdom Rising is open again – for 2022, you are invited to explore Cycle One with Introduction, Self-Guided Elemental Alchemy Lessons + Individual Coaching

Scroll down for the information about the current Cycle and program design.

The collaborative community is designed as active creative space, designed for women mature in their practice who are passionate about creative inquiry, psycho-spiritual growth and are ready to enter into an intimate and dynamic Mystery School experience.

  • This program offers cycles of experience, we will be working with special topics/themes in each cycle and making ample space for all experiences.
  • The group calls and sharing includes one’s own experiences, thoughts and world issues that relate to this work and impact us, exploring our own personal growth and continuing to work with all of the content in the program and impacts and resonates.
  • There will be ample discussion about energy, imagery, cultivating vision and deepening inner and outer alliances that serve the expression of life-work, the current self, the emerging self – also self-care as guide/professional, how to build and balance life, whole health, commitments, project development, healing and activation.
  • The way this advanced group is designed, is that everyone in the program also has an individual coaching package so that personal work, biz development, etc. can continue to be supported in 1:1 sessions.
  • If you are called to continue on an advanced path this is a powerful space to explore the living, energetic elements that impact your life experience and invite both alignment and transformation.

Wisdom Rising is Open for Summer 2022


You can inquire about the program below:

You will start with Elemental Alchemy | Entering + Cycle One with Coaching

This program can be added again – open now for 2022

For those who are ready, Elemental Alchemy + Coaching is offered with as self-guided and fully supported exploration. Generally intended for 2-3 months, this can also be stretched over 6 months. This program is highly experiential and moves one into the space of preparing, engaging and understanding the nature of depth inquiry, through the lens of working more deeply with mystery. It includes three private coaching sessions  to be used over the first 3 months. This allows you to prepare, explore, create, consider and ease in with this rich material. You will learn more about yourself and this approach, with the active presence and guidance of Cat Caracelo as your coach.

Cost for initial entering phase: Elemental Alchemy with Coaching is $1299.

Cost for each following Six Month Cycle is $699

Fill out the form below to receive details, inquiry process and information.

Distinctive topics, powerful process and unique materials are offered in this advanced path program.

Once you have engaged Cycle One with Coaching, you can move into the group, joining the flow within the next cycle of experience. 

Dedicated classroom for each cycle will offer unique materials that are designed to spark deeper connection and will include audio, video, PDF documents and more.

We will be using a private group forum in the JourneyPath Community share space – with lookalike features and favorite elements to familier social media but this is quiet in a dedicated private platform with no ads or other disruptions.

Our circle is held as Sanctuary Space.

  • In each Cycle there are new phase materials offered periodically – these are compiled and offered to stir the waters of inner knowing, and evolutionary growth, sources are mythic, esoteric, alchemical, creative, shamanic and past/present/future focused.
  • This is a touchstone learning environment, concept rich and “formal learning” light.
  • We will be traveling together in a small collaborative community
  • Ample space for personal inquiry, using all forms of learning, insight and intuitive access including artas process, inner alchemy, journey process, dreaming, embodiment, ritual, intention, focus, healing andtransformation.
  • Sharing in our Group is offered as the communication thread so that we can be connecting and unfolding insights in a casual way, while using the classroom for resources.
  • Resources are not teaching tools but positioned for personal and evolutionary growth. The Mystery School experience is unique, traveling a path of discovery in a numinous space. Advanced path work may be used to enhance your own growth and will also enrich your experiences as as a guide and leader in life.
  • Each cycle of experience offers new insights, they are self-determined, paced and can be used anytime.



Wisdom Rising Mystery School offers:

  • Elemental Alchemy [Cycle One]  with Coaching – a self-guided and coach supported program for any new women coming in to be able to explore and deeper, you can choose to continue into the next cycle with the group, and experience the program flow.
  • New “live” cycles will be offered twice annually, with the next starting in August/September 2022.
  • Each participant has lifetime access to the classroom(s). Ongoing access to the private group share space (URL will be offered in program) is ongoing when registered cycle to cycle.

Prerequisite Experience

  • The previous experience needed to join Wisdom Rising includes:
    • Two Years of QuestPath
    • One or Two Depth Oriented eCourses, that include Archetypes Alive, Sacred Journey, Alchemy of the Heart/Wild Essence and/or Awakening Magic OR Creative Depth Program + Certification
    • Previous 1:1 coaching with Cat Caracelo.

Please note that concurrent coaching during Wisdom Rising Mystery School is required (Minimum 6 Sessions) which includes additional fees.

Wisdom Rising Mystery School [Interest]