Welcome to Awakening Magic

Welcome to Awakening Magic eCourse

Awakening Magic offers a powerful experience.

It is a companion eCourse to the  Deluxe Oracle of Lost Children Deck, Guidebook + Wheel

These tools and class will inspire and enhance your art and life, inviting creative curiosity in this program and for years to come!

Play and invite discovery. You will be entertaining your inner children and their archetypal stories – seeking the common to the rare, the mythic and the mundane, finding unusual and eclectic inner children waiting to be seen and heard…

Your Guidebook, Deck and Wheel will be sent in 24 hours (after you order!)

Join the self-guided classroom, now or when your cards arrive, and find everything you need:




All of your JourneyPath Institute Programs are held in the Learning Library so when you register and sign in to any class, you will see all of your programs.

if you are new to the classroom set up a user name and password, this is a seperate space from our website. For any JourneyPath programs you will use the same password each time and do save this email to have easy access, or bookmark the sign in page for JourneyPath Classroom!


Can’t wait to create with you!!




