Visioning + Co-Creative Experience

We are called to vision.

We are called to become that which is calling us forward.

Within this space of exploring and expressing all of who we are, through depth work, coaching, experiential creativity and learning, we seek and find the shades of shadow and the poetry of possibility…

The constant in my life is my ability to vision, which sounds singular but is not. Visioning is always tempered by the complexity of being human, self-expressed in many ways.

Are you aware of the nature of your INNER VISIONARY?

What is the experience of inner and outer visioning?

The depth of this work: art as process, healing, archetypal patterns, narrative, shadow and journey work, is a field of experience. The Visionary indicates a powerful ability to understand moving energy and activate change.

What we co-create is a web of energies and constellations of connection.

We activate through art, depth work and process! We light up the mythic pathways that guide us into the full expression and enlivened experience of an aligned life, not ever finished, or “achieved”, but always met and ever-evolving.

The ripples that we activate when connecting through art and process, in person, by voice, and in our circles is the energy of life, love, courage, truth telling  resiliency and willingness to dive deep and embrace more than has been, ever before.

So it is and it is so!