We are filling our upcoming September Cohort and we have opened extended payment plan and partial scholarships to give more access to this years extraordinary program experience which includes a bonus retreat gathering, more creative collaboration and new tools!
Explore this powerful Jungian based Coaching Program and Certification that is celebrating its 12th cycle.
Develop and expand on your innate wisdom with narrative coaching and soul work.
- Add to your repertoire with powerful creative techniques and tools.
- Deepen personal healing and determine new direction for personal growth.
- Discover where you are ready to embrace a new chapter experience.
- Expand your work in the world and add to your professional repretoire.
- Choose you!
Experience the benefits of the Creative Depth Program + Coach Certification.
This year long program offers a structure and flow that deepens exploration and expands discovery.
While working within the program you will engage self as client and honor your life experience, find your growth edge, hone your skills, learn to guide healing and hold sacred space for growth and expansion.
This program is rich with materials that become a dynamic resource for deep diving and inviting your work in the world to be expressed.
This certification program is all about embracing experiential learning and inviting evolutionary growth through art as process, narrative coaching and immersive creative inquiry.