Video Guided Journey: The Call

Experience your own connection and tap into the wisdom within.

Explore a Guided Journey below:

The best way to experience art as process, the imaginal realm and the potential of journey work is to have the opportunity to travel into your own knowing!

I want to offer you this gift, so that you can experience and inspired as you listen or watch this meditative journey video!



How can you support your deep desires and awaken possibility within your life?

Listen deep for what is waiting to be expressed and experienced!

Use some simple art-making, doodles or mind mapping to explore and express what is rising inside.


Special journey for you, last call to Step into your Story for $17

Join the journey and explore more of your own connected with art and life!


Connect with me directly!

Go to Cat Caracelo + JourneyPath Insitute to explore more offerings or ideas that are designed to inspire your life!