Solstice Spiral + Winter’s Gift

Enter into your solstice spiral…

A Winter Season upon us…


Your Solstice Gifts:

Listen to energy of this guided meditation journey…the heartbeat of the earth, her mystery and yours will reveal the images, energies and stories that are ready to be co-created.



Listen to my original Solstice Story | A Winter’s Myth and meet the Cailleach as she moves through the wildwood to great the Bright Child and spark a new year.



We enter the belly of the night.

We come to the portal that separates darkness from light.

Standing in this arch of time where Earth takes a breath before facing us back towards the sun, we too,

take a breath, turn inward, pause in this pregnant moment and let darkness reveal its gifts.

– Judith Rich


Enjoy your gifts!

Seek the spark within this dark night and invite it to guide you!

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