Become a JourneyCircles™ + MoonCircles™ Facilitator in the comfort of your home!


Get everything you need delivered to you, including materials, on-line training and ongoing community.


  • Deepen Healing + Wholeness with JourneyCircles™ 
  • Express your Wisdom + Wild with MoonCircles™ 
  • Develop your offerings using dynamic, powerful and expressive creative techniques and tools.
  • Connect to the symbolism of the circle as you explore the eight distinctive card types and discover the hundreds of ways you can lead.
  • If you are interested in expanding your own online offerings - you will love the new bonus classroom: Guide Online Circles with topical recordings and videos!
  • Expand and enhance your offerings using expressive, transformative and narrative arts to tap into the power of art making as a catalyst for change.


LAST CALL to attend the Facilitators & Coaches Visioning Retreat in Austin | January 9-12th, 2025 --- Special Savings for both!

Add the retreat to your training and use "Solstice" coupon code to save an extra $300 OFF through December 5th!


Get this amazing 3 for 1 program, and enjoy huge benefits, with tons of bonus elements and no travel expenses, offered with guided process, forever access, materials discount, ongoing facilitator support, experiential learning and creative teaching tools!

Includes a dedicated classroom for JourneyCircles, MoonCircles + Developing Leadership with Online Circles, Designing Programs with Blended Approaches and Leading Virtual Retreats. Studio time with Q + A, hands on creating and more.


SAMPLE OVERVIEW one one of the training classrooms >>

Comprehensive global classroom and exciting diverse community offers a powerful creative coaching experience.

Enhance your creative inquery, find joy in depth process and expand your offerings with this simple, deep and potant facilitator training that is offered with audio, video and written materials PLUS forever access.

Original price was: $1,799.00.Current price is: $1,299.00.

Facilitator Training Kit


Personal and Professional

For coaches, therapists, facilitators, educators, guides, healers and those interested in expanding a personal or professional practice.

The process is designed to offer a powerful catalyst when working your own art making, and individual clients, groups, workshops and retreats.

For professional you can use the distinctive JourneyCircles™ + MoonCircles™ processes as sacred containers, story-forms and creative mapping tools to explore a wide variety of topics and approaches.


The Experience

Facilitator + Guide Trainings are offered in comprehensive interactive and self-paced online classrooms. 

Ample guidance and support is provided by teaching staff, in the dedicated classroom.

Experience the rich exchange shared through your own art and process and provided by fellow facilitators.

Art as Process guides the learning journey, with techniques and tools provided at each layer of experience. 

Why JourneyCircles™ + MoonCircles™?

They are fun, circular, hold in your hand, amazing, creative, symbolically rich spaces - as you touch, create, make marks and layer images and materials each card becomes a "reflecting pool of information, full of stories, symbols and feelings that flow from the deep psyche.

JourneyCircles™ + MoonCircles™ are multi-modal and complementary to exploring your depth, life and storied lives, making space for new insights and awareness!

These are interactive creative cards to make art on and they complement other modalities and expressive art approaches such as SoulCollage®, Body Mapping and Art Journaling. Each offers a powerful and unique creative process that will deepen healing, provide understanding and expand possibility.

Integrate JourneyCircles™ + MoonCircles™ and dive deep into your personal story and mythic symbolism.

Easy, intuitive and dynamic, this expressive art modality is grounded in depth psychology and Jungian approaches. Perfect for leading and guiding circles, workshops and retreats, as well as being a powerful coaching tool for working with individuals.

Training Includes


Expand Your Personal + Professional Practice

  • Facilitators Materials Box with 166 pieces, including all cards, books and more - sent by Priority Mail (US and International)
  • Three dedicated global classrooms
  • Comprehensive Training Modules (e-delivered)
  • Videos and audios complement the materials offered with each module
  • Professional and Personal Growth Models
  • Creative, Mindfulness and Experiential Process to complement each module
  • 24/7 Forever Access to the Interactive Classrooms
  • 14+ MP3 Group Recordings complement both trainings
  • Online Circles Training classroom.


Extended Training!

Dedicated classroom for Developing Leadership with Online Circles, Designing Programs with Blended Approaches and Leading Virtual Retreats. Studio time with on creating and more. 

  • JourneyCircles™ Facilitator + MoonCircles™ Guide Training with the Lead Circles Online Training are now offered as 3 for 1 Classrooms!
  • Each training classroom offers you distinctive and connected ways to share expressive, creative and symbolic art-making to enhance your transformative work with yourself and guiding process for individuals, circles and groups.
  • JourneyCircles™ offers art making and facilitation techniques that are a perfect complement for those leading mixed media and thematic workshops + retreats that support contemplative creativity, healing, depth, journey, personal growth, wellness and visioning.
  • MoonCircles™ offers art making and facilitation techniques that are a perfect complement for leading esoteric, healing and psycho-spiritual workshops including New Moon, Full Moon and Goddess Circles + Retreats
  • Evergreen + Forever Access - with options for Guided or Flex Option

To further your learning + expand your professional community:

  • Forever access to on-line classroom + all materials, recordings and community share forums
  • Facilitator Tribe Facebook Group
  • In depth connection with Cat Caracelo and JPI Staff
  • Annual Facilitator Calls + Special Offerings
  • Advanced training opportunities available for those who have completed the Facilitator trainings

For your own offerings:

  • Exclusive use of JourneyCircles™ Licensed Facilitator + MoonCircles™ Guide Badge/Logo
  • Exclusive use of specific branded promotional images and materials
  • Myriad ways to use JourneyCircles™ + MoonCircles™ in individual and group process
  • Specific sessions to use JourneyCircles™ + MoonCircles™ as blended process with SoulCollage® and other expressive arts modalities
  • New offerings to develop practice using creative mapping, constellation work, chakra, parts work and narrative storytelling
  • Expanded process for coaches, facilitators, educators, therapists, practitioners, bodyworkers, creatives, embodied arts and healers to develop new approaches for 1:1 offerings + sessions, workshops and retreats offerings
  • Deep discount (40% Off) on ALL cards and materials, in bulk packs of #100, for facilitators personal and professional use

What Facilitators are Saying

JourneyCircles™ + MoonCircles™ offer me a fascinating and new way to explore with collage, imagery, incorporating words and poetry. I have been able to use images that could not land before in other forms, opening my inner process and expanding my work with mandalas and creative mapping. These round cards complement and enhance my SoulCollage® practice. Thank you for creating such a beautiful process!

–  Facilitator


I wanted to find a way to connect clients to the transformative arts process and make this a part of my client offerings, as a whole. Cat gave me excellent suggestions for this expansion within the training, for the 1:1 session work I want to start integrating. I was led to work deeply with my own art as I move through each module, that hands on learning emphasized how this will advance my own growth as an educator and practitioner.

–  Facilitator


My work has evolved so much since I have worked with Cat Caracelo as a coach, participating in Mythos Journey eCourse and now having completed the MoonCircles™ and JourneyCircles™ Facilitator Training. I can feel the expansion of my inner awareness, voice and confidence. This is the most important work I have ever done and I am very excited to expand my offerings with New Moon Gatherings and more clients coming my way!

– Facilitator

Ready to become a Licensed Facilitator?

Don't wait! Say YES today to begin your training!

Enjoy this bundled offer, 3 in 1 trainings for one amazing price!


Original price was: $1,799.00.Current price is: $1,299.00.

Facilitator Training Kit

More Testimonials and Facilitator Experience!


The thoroughness of the program equips you to move right into facilitating. It also gives you such an excellent foundation for your own creative and transformative practice. Everything that you learn and do in the course and going forward, you can bring forward into your offerings and will help you guide others. There is so much wisdom to be gain by working through this course.

– Facilitator


Thank you, Cat, for bringing JourneyCircles™ to the world! This is by far the most important training I have taken as it forms a basis for my personal and professional work that is unmatched by other systems, yet can be used along with other systems to enhance personal process, be it depth work or visioning work.

–  Facilitator


I have been very impressed with the professionalism in the way the material has been presented.  It has the educational caliber of a high-level university seminar. Creating a space of intimacy and confidentiality online requires astute handling of interaction and exchange.  The depth of the content reflects the intention of the offerings, a process to use professionally if so desired.  Cat, you have delivered it in a magnificent way.

– Facilitator

Cat Caracelo

A Message from Cat Caracelo

I am passionate about the energy that is created through art-making, sharing our truth in image, exploring the narrative form and connecting through online and community circles where we can support one another. My deep desire for you is that the dynamic design of the process will offer an inspirational field, bringing the language of visual narrative, applied art and creative mapping to your own creative work, exploring depth process and moving the potential of this approach into your work, offerings and circles of influence.

I trust that you are choosing the training with a strong calling to these materials and methods!

You get immediate access to your Facilitator Licence to use this modality in your personal and professional work, forever access to the training and materials sent to your home.

My committment is to bring you the best of experiencial learning, rich classrooms and ongoing Facilitator community.

The JourneyPath Institute offers immediate access to all eCourses and training classrooms with a firm no refund, no transfer policy.

JourneyCircles™ + MoonCircles™ are designed to enhance YOUR personal and professional work in the world!

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