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Selkie Sisters | Art Journaling for Empowerment, Expression + Exploring Emotional Landscapes $99 + One Year Access

Original price was: $279.00.Current price is: $99.00.

Love Month Specials - Frequently Bought Together

Moving into Compassion | A Healing Journey eCourse $99

Inspire art and life through healing, activation and transformation. Deepen the conversation of how to meet yourself in grief and navigate loss -- this self-guided  journey is a LOVE LETTER to life.


BE LOVED eCourse | Embracing the Power of Parts Work $49 - Begins February 10th + Immediate Access!

Inspire life through creative experience as you call in your own missing Parts of Self that will inform your current journey as you create reflective art and image energy that will enhance your own experience of gathering allies, recalibration, wholeness, activation and transformation.

Selkie Sisters [Self-Paced] offers a wonderful creative gathering space with 24 lessons that offers entering into your own mythic expression to explore simple creative interplay, weekly themes that will evoke landscapes of life. Create a strong sense of traveling, explore the shapeshifting nature of being a selkie-women in any phase of life.

Find inspiration that will guide your creative connections.



Join a powerful space of discovery!

Together we are exploring our deeper nature, by claiming I am a Selkie Sister.

You are invited to:

  • Tap into your inner wisdom, landscapes of life, discovering new stories and developing a creative practice using simple materials.
  • Join this self-paced program and get 24 archived lessons, themes, meditation journeys, pre-recorded group calls and more waiting to be explored.
  • The monthly themes and creative journeys are rich additions to honor your own experiences, those that bring complexity, information, transformation and empowerment, while working with art journaling and mixed media that will explore emotion, energy and movement.
  • Ample ideas for creative play, include resources, mythic inspiration and symbolic references.
  • TWO BONUS SESSIONS are offered to inspire your entering and personal creative process as you step in…recorded calls and open lessons to use right away!
  • Selkie Sisters is only open to join on rare occasions… and part of LOVE MONTH offers access with special saving!



Selkie inspires inner wisdom and brings each of us back to our authentic self, original skin, where we can truly uncover our own divine nature. She reflects the potency of being a women and evokes the flexibility and resilience of mind, body, spirit and soul, that we need most to dive deep and navigate the varied landscapes of life that we experience.

At home on both land and sea, Selkie moves in our awareness inviting us to travel further, explore the depths and expand our own edges where we can discover a new aspect of our story. The unique monthly landscape will inspire sacred space, to guide your creative inquiry.

How it works:

  • Selkie Sisters is a creative space intentionally designed to explore the meaning and metaphor of emotional landscapes, being aware of our complex nature as we move through life and learning more through the creative, as we each travel into new lessons with art as process, narrative storytelling, art journaling that are inspired by guided journey and imaginal experiences.
  • We are using art as process and mapping as metaphor with unique lessons that offer themes, creative process, and conversation within the replays that are offered with each of the 24 lessons.
  • A creative community circle, Selkie Sisters is intentional space for being, belonging and becoming.
  • As a Selkie Sister you enter a classroom rich with themes, guided visualization, easy creative practice, themed calls (one hour each and pre-recorded), art invitation and prompts, plus full access to archive and bonus lessons, for one year.


What is Collaborative Creativity?

This is an intentional space, a Collaborative Creative Pod for every-selkie-woman who is seeking their own choice, voice, flexility and flow.

Explore your Selkie Stories with visual narrative, which is a simple approach to creative process using easy paper art forms, such as an art journal, altered book or collaged cards.

You will get to choose your favorite form and play with these different approaches:

For art-making and mark-making, as a Selkie Sister, you may play with art journaling, visual narrative, mixed media, intuitive painting and creative collage. You can include specific practices such as SoulCollage®, Touch Drawing or JourneyCircles™ and/or use a altered book, smashbook or junk journal to explore your Selkie Stories.





  • Mythic + Topical Resources
  • 24 Weekly Themes + Creative Lessons
  • 24 Pre-Recorded Gatherings
  • Simple suggestions and powerful creative ways of approaching your art
  • Full Archive + Bonus Lessons for one year!


Are you a Selkie Sister?


The mermaid’s mirror, the silver sea, the shallows of a clear cool river…mythic wisdom comes to us in many symbolic, archetypal and mythic forms.

Like her mythic sisters, the mermaid, seal and naiad…Selkie inspires inner wisdom and brings each of us back to our authentic self, original skin, where we can truly uncover our own divine nature.

A deep sea diver, she reflects the potency of being a women and evokes the flexibility of mind, body, spirit and soul, that we need most when navigating the complexities of life.

Selkie or mermaid energies offer us the power of shapeshifting, amplified by flexibility and resilience that brings forth restorative healing and empowerment.

At home on both land and sea, Selkie moves in our awareness inviting us to travel further, explore the depths and expand our own edges where we can discover a new aspect of our story.

The flicker of wisdom held in the watery space of ones own inner wellspring, will evoke a shifting awareness and desire to live in new ways.


Mermaids come to us in many forms…some through a powerful image, the pages of book and others on the silver screen. Many times the mer-folk come in a dream to guide our passage from one place to another.

When the mermaid, naiad, selkie or any goddess of the deep comes as guide. Shapeshifter or muse we are called to listen and respond in new ways.

Where are you dreaming of the sea?

How are you finding your way through tidal rivers, tributaries and watery passages of your life?

You are invited to join us:

Creative living requires us to tap into our deepest resources, our own inner places that run deep. As we explore our own inner waters and landscapes of life, we may find that the deeper we are willing to go the more ease and flexibility is discovered. The depths are often where powerful offerings and treasure will be found.

This is simple, focused and potent creative experience.



Refund Policy:

Refund is not available for JourneyPath Institute self-paced programs – Selkie Sisters offers full access for one year and you can renew…

As long as you are in, you will receive a rich thematic curriculum with program materials, 24 Lessons that can be used in many ways.



Love Month Specials - Frequently Bought Together

Moving into Compassion | A Healing Journey eCourse $99

Inspire art and life through healing, activation and transformation. Deepen the conversation of how to meet yourself in grief and navigate loss -- this self-guided  journey is a LOVE LETTER to life.


BE LOVED eCourse | Embracing the Power of Parts Work $49 - Begins February 10th + Immediate Access!

Inspire life through creative experience as you call in your own missing Parts of Self that will inform your current journey as you create reflective art and image energy that will enhance your own experience of gathering allies, recalibration, wholeness, activation and transformation.