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July 7th 2024 Masterclass: Expanding with Creative Discovery Archetypes


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FREE Masterclass + Creative Interplay

Explore the pathways of the Creative Discovery Archetypes, learn how they expand, travel and influence your next steps!

This Masterclass is CLOSED!

Discovery Archetypes: Explore Archetypal Influence, Expanded Process + Pathways of Possibility

Once you are signed up you will receive a link to the REPLAY PAGE in your receipt, plus a pop up page to get all the details and replay!

Download the workbook and join un “live” to explore in community, this is where magic happens.


Exploring Archetypal Influence, Shifts and Pathways

We will gather to work with the Map of the Journey and Creative Discovery Archetypes in expanded and brand new ways.

This is intended to support your life and enhance your depth with more connection to your primary “type”, stepping stones of influence and creating new directions. This masterclass we will be looking at cross influence, movement, trajectory, motivation and the power of harnessing these reflective archetypal energies.


This is for you if you are:

  • Called to a find and foster connection, if you are seeking community that speaks the language of depth and discovery, energies and archetypes, vision and values that are aligned with life. 
  • Seeking to move energies in a direction where you can experience enrichment, not just work-life, but a renewed Life-Work or a body of work that inspires life.  
  • Healing or engaging recovery after a time of grief, loss or disruption, where you are ready to understand what this transition phase is offering and how to experience wholeness.
  • Cultivating or have a deep desire to grow in a way that utilizes your original voice, innate giftedness, that is aligned and designed to promote growth from the inside out, expressing the whole self. 
  • Moving into a new phase of life, ready to experience a stronger internal source and center, a well of wisdom that offers deeper archetypal awareness, active manifestation, enrichment and wonder that changes your day to day experience. 
  • Ready to discover the journey that is waiting for you…
  • Listen to the 5 Day REPLAY!
  • Immediate Access through link in receipt or pop up page!


WORKBOOK + REPLAY are offered right away, simply register and look for the page in the pop up page, or link is in your receipt.

Link is where you will get zoom details, workbook download and more.

Take the Quiz before we gather!

This new masterclass is offering intentional deepening process to our Creative Discovery Archetypes QUIZ!

So, you are invited to get, or refresh your Creative Discovery Archetype Quiz, receive the Full Report and then join me for the upcoming Masterclass!

Take this easy, dynamic Archetypal Quiz to learn how these FIVE creative discovery archetypes can influence and expand insight and awareness.

Find your Creative Discovery Archetype for FREE and be inspired >>


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