Creative Depth Program
Training & Certification

Designed for wisdom seekers, teachers, artists, guides, healers and facilitators who want to experience and develop a Jungian based depth psychology approach, using art as process, narrative techniques and experiential practice. The program serves as advanced path training for personal and professional growth.

Are you yearning to connect more deeply to your own path, to develop and expand your unique work in the world? 

Are you seeking supportive and dynamic ways to cultivate deeper healing, connection, expression and expansion?

Are you ready to explore, expand, reshape and align your life while learning to lead and guide using the creative coaching approach, depth techniques and tools?

The Creative Depth Approach incorporates myth, symbol, metaphor, and meaning using art, psycho-spiritual and esoteric approaches, with emotional resiliency and applied practice offered at all levals of experience.

Explore and expand your vision, abilities and instincts, while learning a highly creative and intuitive approach to guiding, coaching, holding and growing.

This program has been enhanced and expanded in the last two years. In Fall of 2024 we are launching our 12th Cohort, honoring the longevity and wonderful benefits of advanced path training that offers a paced design with options for personal and professional development embedded throughout.

  • Gain deep appreciation for the tools and materials that are foundational to this work as you begin and move through Phase One.
  • Deepen and develop as you continue to work with principles of healing that lead to resiliency, transformation and developmental growth in Phase Two.
  • Discover a robust understanding of process and establish your personal approach and style in Applied Practice as you expand the potential of creative depth using Art as Process.
  • Experience the myriad benefits of depth work, journey work and creative coaching within Completion + Certification.

What's in the Program & Certification?

Deepen your experience as you expand your awareness.

Discover the power of narrative coaching, expressive art and transformative practice using distinctive structures offered throughout the program.

Support your personal growth and your work in the world with the Creative Depth Program + Certification


1:1 Coaching

Focused Workshops + Small Group Sessions [Live and Recorded]

Paced Experience with Phases of Learning

Training + Professional Development in each phase.

Virtual Studio Gatherings [Live and Recorded]

Immersive Learning Opportunities

Business Mastermind

Ethics + Boundaries

Extended Completion

Alumni Community



Fall Online Platform + Unique Learning Environment

  • An interactive, well designed, online university platform with 24/7 access
  • NEW* Phases offering distinctive purpose and focus through the year of growth and learning
  • Content rich training materials
  • Mythic themes with aligned core concepts
  • Creative and experiential tools, advanced techniques and project potential
  • Interactive Zoom Calls [Recorded]
  • Immersive Learning
  • Virtual Retreat + Creative Sessions
  • Individual (Private) + Group Coaching
  • Bonus support: Business Building, Mastermind and Mentoring offered in Phase 2
  • Peer exchange, post-program alumni connection and ongoing development


Next cohort begins in September 2024

Calls are being scheduled now!


Full Program includes Coaching with Cat Caracelo

Full Pay or Payment Plan options! 


The Program Design + Benefits

Twelve Month Program with Two Phases of Learning

Phase One - Inner Path, Healing + Wholeness 
Depth + Discovery

 5 Months

Phase Two - Deepening, Expansion + Certification
Mapping the Path

7 Months

Phase One
Depth + Discovery


Depth + Discovery is a 5 Month experience the leads into your advanced path learning.

Phase One of Creative Depth Program offers profound insights and immediate opportunity for Personal Growth and Professional Expansion.

You receive Dedicated Classroom, Modules, Group Sessions, Immersive Learning, Seed + Deepening Sessions (Private Coaching) 

You will learn:

  • The Power of Experiential Process
  • The Pillars of Creative Depth
  • Sacred Stories + Narrative Process
  • Principles of Depth, Healing, and Creative Connection.
  • Shadow, Shame + Providing Safety in Process
  • Developmental Stages + Emotional Awareness
  • Myth, Symbol + Reflective Experience
  • Introduction to the Sacred Journey Process
  • Integrated Practice using Unique Coaching Tools

Phase 1 | Completion

At the end of CDP Phase One completion, you will receive Certificate of Completion with Creative Depth Program | Phase One and be authorized as a JourneyCircles™ Facilitator

Phase Two
Mapping the Path

You move into the second phase, Mapping the Path, to expand your experience of depth work for both personal and professional development.

Phase Two is advanced path learning that includes certification!

Phase Two invites you to build on the dynamics and specific needs around personal and collective grief, loss and resiliency from Phase One, with a focus on cycles of change, potential and growth that guides awareness and renewal.

Through self as client and coach as bridge, you will gain expanded awareness of the potential for healing and wholeness - a cornerstone for this body of work, using art as process and creative depth work to build skills.


You receive Dedicated Classroom, Modules, Group Sessions, Immersive Learning and Individual coaching.

You will learn to:

  • Integrate principles of depth coaching, expressive art, transformative process, advanced applied process using multimodal expressive arts and structuring.
  • Focus on core elements of guiding self and client-based work though fields of grief, loss, healing, parts work, trauma informed inquiry, archetypal awareness and evolutionary growth.
  • Develop personal expressive art and narrative coaching techniques to support healing, transformation and change
  • Deepen your understanding of personal experience as a conduit of depth coaching skill building, through the materials that include advanced Sacred Journey, Myth & Metaphor
  • Develop personal or professional touchstones with vision, values and purpose
  • Understand principles of process, practice and patterns of growth and wholeness
  • Develop clear ethics and boundaries for depth coaching and blended process
  • Utilize Mastermind and Business Building modules, with supportive group process


Professional certification as a Creative Depth Coach is included. For those wanting personal enrichment, rather than coach distinction, the completion process is adjusted.

For Certification you will work with practicum client(s) and create a culmination project to collect and express the full experience of the program, unique voice and vision of your work in the world.

You receive:

  • Directed Completion Materials
  • Supported Practicum
  • Project Support
  • Celebrate with a Final Call, Review and Certification Affirmation
  • Ways to incorporate depth work in all levels of personal and professional life.
  • Continue to join peers in Private Alumni Group and Biannual Coach Calls
  • Offerings to deepen your experience include Supervision Group, Retreats and more.



Phase 2 | Completion & Certification

At the end of Phase 2 you will receive the Certificate of Completion of Program and the Creative Depth Coach Certification is awarded with your certification process completed.


Creative Depth Coaches also have bonus materials included in the program to attain their Facilitation Distinction of Sacred Journey Process Guide in the 2023 cohort.

Choose Your Path ~ Two Ways to Pay!



Full Program - One Payment
12 Month Training with Individual Coaching (12)

Early Bird Bonus 

Value $8800

$6800 US



Full Program - Payment Plan

12 Month Training with Individual Coaching (12)

Early Bird Bonus
includes small admin fee 

$295 US
[24 payments]



Schedule Your Call to join this 12th Cohort

The Experience

You will experience advanced and flexible adult learning, while exploring multimodal materials, depth process, and narrative coaching.

The program offers multiple theories, psycho-spiritual methodologies, creative approaches, applied process includes developmental ethics, practicum, business building.

Offered in a generous and paced learning journey, the program includes interactive online classroom, extened learning opportunities, group process and individual coaching!

Using core concepts and defined process we move through sacred journey, grief and shadow work, transitioning to resiliency - deepening resonance, path and purpose, developmental growth, the dynamics of healing, expression and expansion.

“Once this practice is developed and embodied, through the program, there is a way of seeing the world that is very different than before. I have found a level of confidence and comfort in how I operate as a professional, integrated in ways that offer me more than I could have ever expected.”

- Creative Depth Coach Certification Graduate


Enroll Now + What's Next?


Get ready to bring your life and work into alignment…and dive deep into your own experiential learning journey! Early entry can include bonus and stretching your payment plan further.

Enroll + Receive:

  • Orientation Questions
  • Schedule Your Seed Session with Cat Caracelo
  • Next Steps + Details

Discover the delight and power of this program right away, and find new space in your life for redefining, designing and aligning your work in the world!

About Cat As founder of JourneyPath Institute, Cat Caracelo has designed Creative Depth Training, Programs and Certification, guiding thousands of women in depth and journey process. She works internationally with individuals and groups, guiding process with healing, depth, discovery and professional development. 


“The creative depth coaching process provided me a new source of insight, inspiration and income, as I was able to develop my style and provide a powerful coaching design to my clients.”

~ Creative Depth Coach Certification Graduate


What people are saying about the program:

Questions about the CDC Certification Program?

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ICF Continuing Education Certified