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BE LOVED eCourse | Embracing the Power of Parts Work $49 – Begins February 10th + Immediate Access!

Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $49.00.

Inspire life through creative experience as you call in your own missing Parts of Self that will inform your current journey as you create reflective art and image energy that will enhance your own experience of gathering allies, recalibration, wholeness, activation and transformation.

Bring your whole self to the center of a powerful daily gathering practice over a month!

BE LOVE and invite yourself to gather the parts that are most deeply needed right now…


Explore a powerful Stepping Stone Program with Video Lessons to invite specific and nuanced Parts of Self forward.

Embrace yourself within the current journey, gathering parts and practicing the dance of integration and love will expand every facet of your current journey.


How it Works:

  • Entering you will receive three sections of materials waiting for you with a powerful guided journey of beginning that invites your whole self to the center.
  • Designed to meet those new to parts work, art as process and satisfy seasoned artists using creative depth
  • We will meet for our welcome call which is followed by Fourteen Creative Lessons plus experiential process for exploration and integration.
  • Each lesson invites and calls in a specific part of self – one who will enhance your current journey. 
  • Creative lesson, video, questions, prompts and affirmations evoke new access to parts who have been missing, unexpressed or waiting in the wings, each lessons will spark creative play.
  • Play every day or stretch the process to meet your needs – you may create art or use parts already created – lots of creative ways are explored.
  • Immersive creative ideas, with expanded options for pacing, and bonus creative materials are included!
  • Enjoy THREE Creative Group Calls that are held on February 12th, 21st and March 2nd at 12 pm Central | Time Zone Converter >>
  • Join live or listen later to the Video and Audio Replay!
  • Parts Work with a Twist, an Integration Journey + Forever Access
  • Immediate access, pop up or link in your receipt!


Use any simple art as process to explore your parts of self that are active in your current journey – this is rich invitational space for a back to basics deep dive, BUT with a delightful twist. Perfect for those beginning their journey and also perfect for seasoned creatives and those who love parts work!!

Seek your known and unknown parts of self – understand how they serve and support you. Seek a sense of why they gather and the stories they carry to help you. Create with images, symbols and form using your favorite art materials or art already have in your space. Explore using  art forms such as JourneyCircles™, SoulCollage® , Portal Cards, Art Journal or Paper Dolls!

Art is a language of the soul and Parts Work is intimate – what a powerful opportunity to BE LOVE and Be Loved – this is gentle yet empowered self care at its best and perfectly positioned in February! Open to the mystery of your own inner knowing, harness the potency of experiential process to discover where intuitive creative and intentional art as process meet depth and expand your journey!

Use our video library inside the classroom to explore how to use tools such as collage, mixed media and process painting – new videos to share these creative ways!

You are invited to explore BE LOVED using  Mixed Media, JourneyCircles™, SoulCollage® , Portal Cards, Art Journal or Paper Dolls!


Learn how Creative Depth + Art as Process Support You:

Art-making and the creative process itself initiates energetic response that becomes a connection linking the internal, sometimes subtle, sensing systems to the external lived experience. By connecting with your own knowing, feelings or experience in multiple ways, you are engaging in a journey of discovery.

Art-making and creative process using visual narrative reflects and illuminates experience within your feeling state – within journey work we call this the inner landscape and traveling these pathways can open up new awareness. 

The inner landscape also includes exploring different aspects of self, facets of who you have been, who you are now and the parts of you that are emerging. The exploration often includes your known and unknown stories, experiences, and perceptions. You will tap into intuition, parts of self, senses, emotions, energy centers and embodied knowledge. 

As you travel and see, feel and find new ways of exploring what you know within your own experience, you open doorways to discovery that naturally brings aligned insights and healing. 


What You Receive:

  • Global Classroom with forever access to written, audio and video materials
  • Abundant Getting Started ideas in the three open Entering Sections
  • Evocative learning sections with Creative Depth approaches and cornerstones
  • Fourteen Special Lessons with Video Prompts + Art Invitations
  • Three “Live + Led” Zoom Calls with replay provided – each offering ideas, needs, themes and creative energies.
  • Immersive Journey Experience and Creative Inspiration
  • Lots of ideas and evocative guidance for art, journey and deep discovery
  • Bonus materials for extended process are included
  • Forever Access to classroom and materials



Classroom Opens February 4th

Officially we begin February 10th

First Group Call February 12th


Take your time exploring the layers of life offered in this space!

You will begin to experience the potential of gathering parts of self that will meet you and expand your story as you lean deeper into the current journey, in a brand new way. The blend of intuitive and intentional creative process will inform and inspire you…this is where creative depth, healing, compassion, tenderness, discovery and delight are activated.

We are held within a time of complex change and many experiences have likely altered you over time.

It is a powerful time to call in new expressions of self and explore how you are calling yourself home!


When we gather within a thematic experience, we invite the collective energy of deep discovery, seeking and finding the hidden places in our art, seeking the richness that will invite life to be fully expressed.

  • Experience the intimacy and trust that is forged in a safe and sacred creative circle.
  • Build insight and strengthen as you activate deeper intuition.
  • Discover healing and wholeness within the creative process, recognizing how and where change is active in your art and life.
  • Develop a living language of personal myth, metaphor, symbolism and image based narrative in this guided journey.
  • Discover ways of embracing and recognizing compassion within yourself that you have not seen, considered or known before.
  • Seek new sources of support, experience safety and create ease as you travel within a circle of kindred women.

Immersive Creative Experience + Forever Access


I can’t wait for you to experience this journey!


Frequently Asked Questions:

New to this work?

Art is a potent way to tell your story and language your life…you will literally find new ways to BE, SEE, FEEL and FLOW in this eCourse.

I can’t make “Art”:

Calling all closet creatives, you will play with mark-making and collage using images, symbols and colors – art as process invites you to feel into your experience. Art created to connect within as you are in process, is very different than art-making with an emphasis on fine art technique. To feel the whole heart, within the journey, is our task. You will have access to a video library with the classroom, and experience fun and powerful ways to create throughout the course, through the lessons.

How will we create?

Newcomers to the journey and long time creatives love the learning journeys and guided process that inspire, along with video, guided meditation, video and written art invitations, we will be gathering for zoom group sessions!

What Women are Saying:

“I have done so much healing and wholing work in a year’s time within the JourneyPath Institute classes. With much clearing out of old unwanted stories, and unneeded stuff, I have room and energy internally and out to take in so much more of my life.”

“Cat offers a perfect blend of inspiration, structure and creative freedom.”

“Working with Cat has brought greater awareness and consciousness to how I am living my life—I feel seen, acknowledged and deeply inspired by her.”

“Cat is a tremendously wise and compassionate guide and coach.”

“I enjoyed journeying with my fellow journey-sisters who bring their own amazing insights, shared experience and sisterhood in the circle.”


Refund Policy:

Refund is not available for eCourses –  you will receive a rich thematic curriculum with program materials that can be used in many ways, with forever access to self-guided classroom and recordings.