Expand your experience and travel with your Creative Discovery Archetype in this seven lesson journey experience.
You will Step into Your Story and delight in this journey experience that was developed just for you!
Discover more of the foundation, techniques and tools that the Creative Depth Approach offers.
Bring your Archetypal energy to life and step into the expanded experience of learning how She is ready, waiting and active within you:
- Explore powerful ways to expand your conscious awareness
- Bring principles of healing into form
- Invite your somatic senses to be attuned
- Activate the energetic potential of image, symbol and story
- Discover the enormous potential of archetypal activation
- Allow your own creative discovery to rise inside
Meet yourself in various stages of experience and connection and learn how you can influence and empower your own growth. Ignite the depth of potential that inspires deeper healing, resiliency, transformation and expanded choice and voice.
This seven lesson, self-paced journey is a joy to offer you, only $17!
Sign up and receive access right away – on a pop up page, and the link is in your receipt.
You Get:
- Beautiful Global Classroom
- Forever Access
- Getting Started Overview
- Creative Depth Concepts
- Evocative Lessons
- Guided Meditation
- Creative Prompts
- Art as Process Video Library
- and more!