Enjoy this creative workbook designed to use as a personal art journal, a seasonal journey space, or a creative companion to the 12 Nights of Solstice a global online journey offered each December, to which you will have full access!
This workbook offers a wonderful image rich square format, perfect for exploring visual narrative. Each page can be customized with image, collage, mixed media, art journaling, mythopoetic writing, and many ways to create each night.
You can add a pocket to the inside of the back cover for storing images, collage cards and more!
We are shipping on November 24- December 10th!
Order today and receive extra bonus – a blend of Portal, Moon and Spiral Path Collage Cards (10 total) with each Creative Workbook.
If you live outside of the United States to shave on shipping, please order your workbook on Amazon >>
I share a bit about the new workbook here:
You may choose to use this workbook over a range of days surrounding the Solstice…
- Winter Solstice for those living in the Northern Hemisphere
- Summer Solstice for those living in the Southern Hemisphere
- Encompass seasonal energies, holy days and even the New Year.
- Any string of days and nights you want to explore or amplify with seasonal significance and creative ritual will be enhanced with the pages and prompts held within!
Find inspiration, contemplative prompts and orientation to art as process. The daily pages and spreads for offer an intuitive path of seeking and finding Midwinter energies.
Receive the image rich workbook and sign up for the group process. You will receive the link in the book, to access classroom with the unique audio guided journey meditations, lessons and community that is connecting in December.
This workbook has been designed to expand the joy generated in the 12 Nights of Solstice. More than 18,000 artists of life have traveled with this 12 Nights of Solstice journey over the last twelve years.
Connect to spirit, explore the energy of the season, meet the elemental energies as you move into your Solstice Journey. Reframe your holiday experience as you inspire deeper connection and move with the powerful energies that this season brings!
This workbook is fun to use and also optional for the journey!
Also available to order on global Amazon
About the Author: Cat Caracelo is a seeker, thinker and dreamer who has created a unique body of work with the Creative Depth Coaching Approach, Mythos Journey work and gathering a global community of creatives and professionals for art as process, journey programs such as 12 Nights of Solstice. Cat founded JourneyPath® Institute as a learning space dedicated to depth that honors a Jungian orientation to psycho-spiritual awareness, experiential learning and art as healing. Cat is a catalyst, artist, master depth coach and “guidess” who offers dynamic, esoteric approaches to individuals globally.