Narrative Process with JourneyCircles™

JourneyCircles™ invites a process of telling the stories that are ready to be told, through visual narrative. 

Narrative Process using image, symbol and visual storytelling is a valuable and powerful tool for understanding experiences that are held in the past and accessing new information to support restorative healing and wholeness.

Narrative theories, shamanic journey and indigenous dreaming ways are woven into the design of JourneyCircles™ Process, as well as the Creative Depth Coaching Certification offered by JourneyPath Institute.

Working with the stories seen and underneath the surface will bring awareness and perspective to the stories that unfold in our imagery. The inner artist invites us to “not know” as we create, we listen within as we choose images and find our way in the creative. This kind of trust in the process, which can take time to lean into, helps us to create powerful ways to experience healing and integration.

Through gathering parts of the whole, we can acknowledge and honor our experiences in imagery. We also create a living language that inspires life expanding through our JourneyCircles™ .

By combining elements of visual narrative, a story told primarily through art-based medium, experiential process becomes lived experience. Using narrative coaching techniques, the artist invites the self to find a story within the creative process and many times that becomes a catalyst for transformation.

Using tools of narrative process one can  explore stories, finding expanded perspective. Engaging our stories creates a specific way and mode of communication and expression. One will create and voice new meaning, exposing possibility that can clarify what has been previously perceived as shadow, shame, vulnerable or out of reach.

There are parts of self, personal narratives and secret stories that are waiting to tell their tales. Many narratives need a safe space to begin to surface and unfurl.

Voicing the Narrative in JourneyCircles™ is a mytho-poetic approach, integrating embodied storytelling using visual scanning and prompts. View your imagery and read the movement of the experience, as you looks at the art and travel through it as if your are there [first person “I”] or, as viewed from a distance [third person, “she”].