Order Page for Guides/Facilitators of MoonCircles™

MoonCircles Facilitators:

You may order product here and will receive your “Circle” Facilitator Discount, which has been factored in for all bundled or bulk product at approximately 40% for each item, so that you may put your kits together “your way” and save on/add in profit for materials. 

April 2022:

As a MoonCircles Guide/Facilitator™ you have access to MoonCircles supplies here – for those of you who are also JourneyCircles™ Facilitators, Creative Depth Coaches or Sacred Journey Process Guide, you have separate order page(s) that includes these items and MANY more, as they are now made available based on your training distinction!


Purchase Product at bottom of the page, facilitator savings are included.

All bulk product are carefully packed by type, according to your order, in custom ziplock packaging bags, making it easy for you to see, use and store. Product, breakdowns and various ways your materials can be shipped.

  • Facilitators cards are packaged in bulk, by type, #100 of each card type is generally ONE ITEM – for special cards see #
  • You can order one item, two or ten, everything is bundled and shipped according to your needs.
  • Pre-made kits can be ordered.
  • Bags and books (sold in quality of 10) are offered with a discount of aprox. 25% due to packaging and/or up front costs.
  • You may order “retail” packs at regular prices for some items if you want less quantity – to do that simply go to the public CART page on this website.
  • The shipping and handling is offered as a base rate for ease in ordering on this product page ordering – it is calculated by item numbers, weight and how much product will fit in each size box. Range for shipping and handling medium and large box rates is US (based on size) $20-$30 and International (based on box size and weight) $52-$110. On occasion I will have to send a second shipping invoice if there is a large order or shipping is not covered. If you are doing large orders, I can sort out the shipping estimate for you – email [email protected]
  • There may be changes over time as to how product is offered for facilitators as we grow this page, packaging, packing and navigate shipping options.
  • Connect with me by email if you have any questions, we are able to offer custom options when we can.


click into each item to see the detailed description and remember that the 40% discount for facilitators is already figured in for you!