Meeting Green

I met March this weekend with a lovely romp into the wilds of the Hill Country, visiting a nearby springs (there are hundreds in this area).

It has been a winter…and I was ready to expand my senses and lean into spring.

I spent a lot of time in my studio this week, stirring my inner landscape with art and exploration intended to activate, awaken my senses. 

I was ready to shed the grey…and meet green. 

My Winter is giving way to Wonder

While most of the woods are still grey and bare here in my area, there is that glimmer of Spring Awakening.

Unexpected balmy weather and blue skies beckoned me to adventure and I wanted to experience that sense of a season getting ready to leaf…

This is a moment of magic video – a little share of my experience when sitting under the ancient oaks to be soothed with sounds of falling water in the grotto of a nearby natural springs…where the magnificent chimes in the trees are singing us awake.