Get Started in Vision + Vitality

Lovely you!

Vision + Vitality in 2022 starts soon, and you are circling in!

We will begin to gather in the classroom on Wednesday 1/12/22 – so look for an access link via email Wednesday before 12 noon! If it does not arrive from the classroom, look in your spam and email me if you need help!

Just a bit of information about preparing space, orienting and gathering some materials to prepare for our first call on Saturday!

You are invited to begin here…

Preparing is highly creative and you get to see what’s “wanted” – choosing some materials, colors, papers, shapes and surfaces will get the energy moving (see images below)…creative preparing is gentle, responsive and percolates around pleasure.

*Shop at home and then add to your options, at a craft/art store.

Have a few choices handy at all times to create with, I suggest at least 1 or more item in each category, to keep it fresh:

  1. Notebook, Blank Journal, Binder (w/clear front) or Art Journal
  2. Mixed media, scrap, white or watercolor paper (tear out, individual sheets and larger)
  3. Collage cards/index cards, circle cards
  4. Upcycled surfaces, old book cover, catalogue, fire folders, cardboard, etc
  5. Post-it notes, flags, worksheet (download worksheets are offered before Zoom, on certain calls)

Suggested and optional supplies that feel interesting or exciting to work with:

  • New Image sources – 3 new magazines
  • Images, Glue, Scissors
  • Paint 5 colors or more (acrylic, gouache, watercolor)
  • Pens/Color- felt, sharpie, gel
  • Embellishments, art papers, glitter, stencils


Invitational Creative Preparing:

  • Gather 10 or more raw images that feel aligned for this new year – create a new stack.
  • Have another stack of old images 10-20 for grab and go.
  • Have at least three new magazines, chosen but not yet torn, on standby.
  • Gather and prepare (cut or tear) a small bowl of evocative single or clusters of words (1-3) (large, medium and small)

This is just a beginning place!

Can’t wait to see what you discovery and create, in art and life.

Zoom Schedule to download!

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