Masterclass Replay | Creative Discovery Archetypes Expanded Copy
What a wonderful Masterclass!
Five Day Replay is offered here and you can use the quiz or workbook to create as you listen, both links are posted at the bottom of the page.
There are two short bonus videos added below, offering the insights of a Distance Dreamer and a Bridge Builder to expand on todays conversation. Finally you are invited to connect with me, exploring how these divine directions and pathways lead you to explore your next steps. Please set up a call if you are ready to have a 1:1 conversation about joining the upcoming program!
You are the compass, and you are naturally turning to meet a new story…
Each of the pathways and divine directions of the Distance Dreamer, Source Seeker, Wonder Warrior, Bridge Builder and Temple Traveler are present and offer clues.
You are invited to join me in the next Creative Depth Program + Certification offered at JourneyPath Institute!
These are the last weeks offering EARLY BIRD Bonus so its the very best time to bring your thoughts and dreams to a 1:1 conversation, sign up to connect with me is you are ready to explore the program that begins in September!
Choose your date to meet with Cat >>
If you are a Certified Creative Depth Coach and want to audit, email Cat directly to get the information of how to join the September Cohort!
I am excited to add two Bonus Spotlight Interviews, with recently certified Creative Depth Coaches:
MaeRuth McCants is a Bridge Builder
Abbe Eason is a Distance Dreamer
Download + Print >> Masterclass Workbook | Creative Discovery Archetypes
Find your primary Creative Discovery Archetype >> Take the QUIZ