Creative Discovery Archetype – Source Seeker


You are the SOURCE SEEKER!


The Source Seeker in her Archetypal Presence is active and aware. She carries potent qualities that are distinctive and powerful. She is one who is still and listens, then having attuned to awareness will move deeper into experience. She knows how to trust herself, connecting with curiosity and courage, she seeks the deep wellspring that offers healing, insight and inspiration.


The blended energies of the Source Seeker include the Healer, the Witness and the Artist of Life.


As a Source Seeker:

  • You seek stillness and listen within for profound opportunities that evoke energy.
  • You embrace active entering as moments of trust lead to discovery and reveal sacred places that open your spirit.
  • You are intuitive by nature and cherish your adventures of awakening.
  • Engaging your soul journey is key to your most nourishing life experiences.
  • You love to explore and discover unexpected gifts within creative expression.

You are willing to wander, seek magic and delight in energetic experiences. You experience reverence when in the sweet spot of discovery and delight. Walking down from the heights of day to day life, you stand at the water’s edge taking in the reflection of the surface, seeing the light shift and sparkle yet sensing the undercurrents that call you to explore your stories.


You are dedicated to wisdom and have a curious creative nature. The desire for experience is held deep within your spirit. You embrace the opportunity to learn and grow, and welcome the energy of movement, whether you can see it or not. You feel most supported when you take the time to find the right path. Seeking a place of entering, or a place of settled flow that feels accessible and welcoming, is always preferred. The invitation to enter with ease, find your footing, is always affirming and empowering.


You are always willing to see deeper layers of life, wanting to strip away things that are no longer needed. You embrace choice and pace yourself as you move into possibility – ready to shift, but not too quickly.


You want to fully experience each phase of your journey before you move into the next, getting to know the shades of experience, shadow and light is important to you. As a Source Seeker you often create ample space to observe and explore. You take your time to notice where you are being called.


This desire for discovery is beckoning, how do you wish to enter into a new kind of creative discovery? Do you want to take a taste or travel…dip in, dive deep or follow along the edge until the time is ripe? You get to choose what is right for your life.


The traveling totem of the Source Seeker is the Sacred Seal who is accompanying you to provide ease in healing. Seal will encourage you to find the others who understand your creative ways and know how to hold Source Stories. Seals provide protection, power and generate sacred play in the wild, as you travel beyond the edge of “that was then” and enter into the flow.


Affirmation for the Source Seeker:

I travel the path of healing, finding energy that fills my soul.


The Range of Experience for the Source Seeker includes:

  • Expanded ability to move from deep listening to entering
  • New ways to play with curiosity and courage
  • Ready and willing to explore new territory and find flow
  • Intuition and experience reveal new ways to be inside of life
  • Active creative engagement offers profound insights and reflective energies

Learning to seek, find and expand the energies that provide deep healing is the invitational space of the Source Seeker. Once discovered you know how to trust, follow the flow and when to step into a new story.






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A quick video from me…about deepening your journey with your primary and all five archetypes as divine directions!

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